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Who told you that you are lacking potential?

There you are. Doing the same thing you have always done. Performing at the same level you have performed for as long as you can remember. No plan, no direction, no end goal or game. And yes, you hear the phrase “lacking potential” being shouted in every conversation. Does this scenario sound familiar to you? Do you know of anyone in this situation? Do you find yourself in this predicament?

Lacking Potential: The Symptom not the Cause of the Problem

Talking in general medical terms (we are not doctors), there are conditions from which pain is a major symptom. An example of this is migraine headaches. The pain caused by this condition can be severe. The smallest exposure to light or noise while experiencing this condition can cause excruciating pain and discomfort in several parts of the body, not just the head.

However, the pain associated with migraines is the symptom of something else happening in our human body. Thankfully, there are people in the medical field who are trained to find the cause of migraine headaches. In essence, these trained professionals seek to understand the source of this symptom in order to effectively treat it.

Similarly, lacking potential can become a condition which can create pain or trigger other conditions within the individual, group or community. These conditions can manifest themselves through our bodies as stress, depression or inability to self-belief. The smallest amount of change on the environment in which these conditions exist can trigger paralyzing pain and devastating responses towards others.

There is plenty information, research and literature regarding the effects of these internal conditions on the human body and psyche. In addition, there are many professionals and experts who seek to reveal the reason or reasons for which individuals experience periods of life in which there is lack in potential. For these individuals, the intent is to understand the source of the “inability or incapacity” to achieve an objective or goal. And to prevent it before it happens.

However, it is important to point out that lacking potential is the symptom and not the cause for which we may not be performing at a higher level.

Getting Inside the Source of Lacking Potential

In its adjective form, the Oxford Dictionary defines potential (/pəˈten(t)SHəl/) as having the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. The inference is that the “capacity to become or develop into” already exist, but is yet to be fully manifested. This existence is a key understanding for individuals, groups and organizations in the journey towards discovering the source of their potential. In other words, as it applies to people, what is needed or required to achieve goals and objectives, already exists within ourselves.

In addition to the individual’s capacity to become, the manifestation of “potential” requires focused attention over a given period of time. This creates awareness. Once there is awareness of the situation, the individual can accept, choose and take action appropriately. Effectively, there is awareness and the responsibility to respond.

From its noun form and as it is applied to the domain of Physics, the Oxford Dictionary defines potential as the quantity determining the energy of mass in gravitational field or of charge in an electric field. In other words, the more potential exist, the more energy or charge is available.

On the other hand, the Oxford Dictionary defines lack (/lak/) as the state of being without or not having enough of something. This state can be temporary or permanent, but in either case it is an assessment being provided at a specific point in time.

The combination of these terms presents an interesting challenge: At some point in time, we will experience (whether being told by speech or in written words) the news of not having enough of something that already exist within us. Sounds familiar? If yes, what then?

A Matter of Lack or Potential?

For people who are experiencing “lack”, the scenarios stated above can be devastating. The moment in which the individual realizes that he or she does not have enough of what is needed, several emotions such as discouragement, disappointment, and frustration can set within. Although experiencing these emotions is normal, allocating long periods of time to them can negatively impact our ability to perform on our daily lives. To the extent that is possible, the focus should be shifted to identifying the internal (within ourselves) and external (outside) obstacles and ways to reduce or eliminate them.

For those who’s attention is fixated on their “potential”, then laser-focus is required on that which the individual desires to become or develop. Another way of describing this task is to focus on defining the next Level of Performance.

The exciting news are that the potential and the spark of energy needed to resolve this matter is already within you. In addition, the team at iNGEN Enterprises has over 20 years of experience in helping people, teams and organizations through their journey to the next level of performance.

Journey towards Maximun Performance

Over the years, iNGEN Enterprises has utilized and refined the Engagement, Assessment, Realization and Self-Actualization (EARS) Model. This model serves as a framework for defining, measuring, collaborating and aligning individuals, groups and organizations with their path to the best level of performance possible. Here are the distinct stages:

  • Engagement – defining the mindset and practicing emotional intelligence
  • Assessment – identifying the desired performance and internal and external obstacles
  • Realization – collaboration towards unlocking people’s potential for maximum performance
  • Self-Actualization – alignment with meaning of one’s life and the value to be added to others

The EARS framework is both structured and flexible to address the needs of those seeking to improve their performance. This is possible by increasing their potential while decreasing the obstacles in their lives.


At iNGEN Enterprises we believe that each individual has within themselves the potential needed and the spark required to perform at the highest level possible.
Optimistically, even if a personal assessment is determined to be lasting or permanently lacking, the team at iNGEN Enterprises believe that humans have the ability to find alternatives which align with personal success. In addition, our staff and partners have a track record of delivering value to our customer’s life as they discover their true meaning and purpose.

Still, the most important aspect of our process is the individual and their sense of awareness and responsibility. By understanding what is happening around you and knowing what you are experiencing, the individual is able to willingly uncover and connect with their purpose.

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